
Prophecy for Liberia

Liberia Flag

For several days I sought the Lord for understanding about the visions I had seen concerning Liberia. The first vision I saw was that of a great black monkey but it had the face of a white man, and I saw greed and power written on his face. The monkey was filled with fury and went on a rampage throughout the land; uprooting many trees, ransacking villages and creating devastations. And as it ravaged the land with great ferocity, I saw the land being deeply wounded. The land had suffered much and I could see a huge scar inflicted which could not be healed by any man. Then I saw a great golden throne positioned where the river flows out into the sea at Monrovia, and words were written on the throne that said “Secrecy is Power.” I asked the Lord for discernment about the vision and heard a voice say, “The great black monkey is a picture of the ruling spirit in this land, and its name is ‘Destroyer of Nations’. The trees that you saw being uprooted are the many slaves stolen from this land, and the ruling spirit had the face of a white man because that’s how the spirit manifested. But understand this: the white man’s face was only a mask to conceal the true identity of the ruling spirit, the ‘Destroyer of Nations’. Yet it was the greed of man and his lust for power that empowered the ‘Destroyer’ to cause much destruction.”

And as I meditated on these things, I was shown the strategy of the ‘Destroyer’ by which he conspired to bring  destruction upon the nations . First that there would be a curse levied upon every nation that defiled themselves with the abomination of slavery. Second, that through the migration of slaves, a highway would be created in the spirit realm across the ocean and this highway would provide the legal right for passage of demonic powers to establish strongholds in other nations. Third, the ‘Destroyer’ conspired to obfuscate and conceal bloodlines, because it is through the bloodline that the rights to inheritance are demonstrated and ratified. And I saw that much confusion and rivalry had been conjured up through witchcraft over inheritance. The inheritance of individuals and of the nation had been stolen either through violence, forfeit through iniquity or traded like Esau who traded his inheritance for a bowl of stew because he was hungry. All this abomination had been through the guise of friendship and the trickery of secrets, the roots of which had been planted long before freemasonry had ever entered these borders. And I saw the words again on the throne by the sea, “Secrecy is Power.” Then a voice like thunder proclaimed, “Behold the ‘Revealer of Mysteries’ from whom no thing is hidden, is here. And look – the secret council of the Lord has been convened with those that fear Him and He will show them His covenant with the peoples of this land.”

Listen, I hear a woman weeping for her children and no one on earth knows her name! Yet in Heaven her name has not been removed. And I saw in the spirit an entry in the book of nations with her name listed there. This was the second vision that I saw. And I waited for understanding about the name Liberia, to know if this was the name of the woman I heard weeping, but it was not her name! Then a voice said, “Liberia’s meaning is a great mystery: a land of ambiguity and syncretism. The woman you saw, she is the mother of the peoples here before the partitioning of territory by western powers. But she is estranged from her Maker, and her children do not recognise her”.

The third vision I saw was something like a very large cord coming up from beneath the earth beneath the nation to its surface. Although at first I did not see where it began, later I saw the cord went all the way across the ocean to America. This cord was like an umbilical cord that connects a mother to her child during birth, but the cord had not yet been cut, so America and Liberia were still connected endangering the life of them both. And I asked the Lord how Liberia could still be attached to America when the nation had declared its independence in 1847. And I understood that these things were in the spirit realm. Though Liberia declared her independence upon the earth, she was not free in the Heavens. There had been complications during labour for there were accusations against America and Liberia in the courts of heaven, which had not yet been revoked, and so the enemy had been granted legal right to keep the two nations connected, which hindered both of their destinies. Then I heard an angel cry out “Cut the cord! Cut the cord! Liberia must be born again!” And I was overwhelmed at these great mysteries and did not know how the nation could be born twice or what the accusations were against Liberia. Then the Lord said, “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but My Spirit gives birth to spirit. How many times have hands been struck in pledge without consulting me? How many times have I appealed to you but you have not listened? How many times have you chosen alliance with those stronger than you and not trusted in me? But all these things I will not hold against you if you will come before me in humility and repentance.” And to the intercessors on both sides of the ocean that is in America and in Liberia, a sharp pair of scissors had been given with which to cut the cord. But for the cord to be cut in Liberia great discernment was required to understand how to answer the accusations being made against the nation. For the Spirit cannot give birth to spirit whilst there are sin issues which prevent it. Then I heard the sound of voices singing “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus? For my cleansing this I see – nothing but the blood of Jesus. For my pardon this my plea – nothing but the blood of Jesus.” The blood of the Lamb has to be applied to everything that has touched the nation since its inception. For everything must be cleansed by the blood. Let the symbols and emblems of Liberian nationhood be cleansed. Let the priesthood be cleansed and the altars on this land. Let the high places be cleansed and the rivers that run to the sea. And the intercessors prayed this psalm as they cut the cord and the elders applied the blood. “Restore us, O God of our salvation, And cause Your anger toward us to cease. Will You be angry with us forever? Will You prolong Your anger to all generations? Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your mercy, LORD, And grant us Your salvation. I will hear what God the LORD will speak, For He will speak peace To His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly. Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, That glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed. Truth shall spring out of the earth, And righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yes, the LORD will give what is good; And our land will yield its increase. Righteousness will go before Him, And shall make His footsteps our pathway.”

In the fourth vision I saw a branch coming out of America with the number two hundred written upon it. And the branch formed a very large tree that spread out from Monrovia. As the tree grew it cast a dark shadow upon the land and did not let through the light, so the Lord cut down the tree. I sought the Lord concerning the number two hundred written upon the branch, and I was given discernment over the number. It was two hundred years ago that the Lord first sent out a wild branch to be grafted back into the native tree in Western Africa. To be grafted into the native tree does not mean reverting back to tribalism and animism, but a unification of ancestry through the blood of Christ, for the two to become one. For each would be a blessing to the other, and so demonstrate the glory of God. So in 1820, the wild branch set sail from American shores but it chose not to be grafted back into the native tree. Instead it sprouted a new tree and called it Liberia. So the Lord cut down the tree because it was wild and was not able to bear the fruit the Lord had intended. And I sought for the wild branch to see if it could still be found upon the land, and I saw that it had been preserved like a remnant. But there were other branches too which had also been preserved like a remnant. These were native branches. So I picked up the branches and held them together in my hand, and the Lord said “See I will hold the branches together, and in my hand they shall become one!”. I also understood that the numerical value of branches is two hundred. It is the same word as the leafy boughs used by the Israelites when they made tabernacles in the wilderness before entering into their inheritance. The word bough means to cover. The Lord said, “I have been a covering over my remnant in this land for two hundred years. But now the number of years is complete. Now is the day to fulfil my promise and restore your inheritance.”

As I prayerfully considered these things for several days, the Lord called me to come before Him to ask for the authority to intercede on behalf of the nation. So during the night as I began to pray I had a vision of being in a long and ornate corridor like a supreme court. I was aware of angels attending and dressing me in the right clothes, and they escorted me towards a pair of large doors. As we approached, the doors were opened and we entered a large room that was prepared to legislate for the nation now known as Liberia. In the middle of the room there was a table with a large map of the nation drawn upon a scroll that had been rolled out. And the nation was covered in darkness. Then as I looked closer I saw small flames burning in many places across the land. I would not have seen them except I heard the sound of their voices which attracted me to them. They are the ones overlooked by man but not overlooked by God who have lit the fires of revival for the nation to be changed for the glory of God. And they were singing a song which rose up into the presence of the Lord. It was a new song which has not been heard before and as they sang I heard a voice say “These are the Remnant of the Lord, the Chosen of God, destined to serve as a kingdom of priests in this nation.” And as I looked upon the darkness and heard the sound of a new song being sung in the land, I cried out, “Lord let this nation live! Have mercy upon your chosen ones. O God of mercy, hear their cries for healing. For the sake of ten righteous will you not withhold judgement and instead bring life? O God who keeps His Covenant to a thousand generations will you not remember the sacrifices of those who came to these shores in righteousness? Will you not remember the prayers they prayed and the blood they shed that cries out even now from the earth? They came to a land they did not know and to a people they did not understand, because they were filled with a vision of a better country whose builder is God. They all died in faith, not having received the promises but having seen them at a distance, they knew they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”

Then the Lord replied, I will call this land by a new name.” And I heard the name “New Beginnings” being declared by a loud trumpet blast, and I saw a new entry being written in the book of nations where the name of the weeping woman had been entered. Under her name her mandate was added and it read, “New Beginnings – Warrior Prophetess.” After this, an angel handed me a pure white stone and upon the stone was written her new name. So I placed the stone upon the map of the nation and began to declare. “Arise Liberia and come forth as New Beginnings! Awaken you peoples and behold your Maker who stands before you.” And as I cried out for the nation to live, I saw the wound caused by the ruling spirit which could not be healed by any man – be healed!  Then a beautiful woman began to arise from the map. She ascended in the Spirit of Miriam a prophetess before the Lord. And the woman began to twist in rhythm and swirl around. She was dancing to the music of the new song I could hear rising from the earth. And as she danced I saw her move across the nations, for the gates of many nations had been opened to her. She who had no voice shall be ignored no more. She whose voice was stolen the Lord said, “I will place My Spirit in her mouth and she shall prophecy with great authority. And I heard her say, “I have drunk full from the cup of bitterness, but the Lord has turned to hear our lamentation and heal our brokenness. Now the bitterness is gone. Now the days of mourning are past and the days of rejoicing have come. Come let us sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously, the horse and his rider He has thrown into the sea.” The new Liberia shall arise in the spirit of Miriam, a prophetess out of slavery, who rallied other women through her prophetic song. Miriam was the first prophetess in the Bible, so shall Liberia be a leading prophetess. She will sing of her glorious freedom and the mighty acts of God who brought her forth into destiny. She has a war cry anointing to announce judgement upon her enemies. She is above the ruling ‘Destroyer’ spirit and is able to command and make decrees in the heavenlies. She has authority to expose, denounce and revoke the three-fold strategy of the ruling spirit. So rather than invoking a curse upon the slave trading nations, she is commissioned to bless them, rather than the setting up of ruling thrones in other nations she is able to tear down strongholds, and rather than disinheritance through obscured bloodlines, she has been given a new bloodline, and shall receive a full inheritance as a nation unto God.